Thursday, March 26, 2009

so here i sit

Im babysitting for my best friend while she takes a foster parenting class. Hayden was sleepign when i left so i left him with daddy. daddy has called me 3 times whining about hayden whining so i have 2 whiny babies at home and nothing i can do about it. Why is it he sees me day in and day out i can cook clean and take care of hayden even on his crabbiest day and donny sees me doing it but doesnt know what to do if hes a little fussy? what would he do if God forbid something happened to me? how would he handle life then? oh well all i know is my son has serious separation anxiety because his father wont watch him even for 5 minutes so i cant leave him with anyone because he screams the whole time. what do i do? all i knw is my husband needs to suck it up and learn how to be daddy.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

My little boy is growing up so fast

He tried to crawl yesterday. Couldnt quite get it so he is still rolling everywhere lol. I will turn my head for one second and hes across the room. I just cant believe how fast these 7 months have gone hes almost a year old. We got him a walker he hasnt quite figured it out yet but hes working on it. Hes started clapping and i swear he says yeah lol. I have heard mama and dada a couple times but he doesnt say it like he knows what they mean jsut sounds coming out of his mouth. He sits up if i sit him there he will sit for a long time unless he wants to go somewhere then he rolls. Hes just growing up so fast.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

why do i deal with it

I am so tired of having a dictator for a husband. We get our taxes yesterday, he goes straight to my wallet and takes the money and decides how we will spend it. He complains if i want to get something for our son. He wants to spend 1600 of it on the stinkin car for extra crap we dont need but only wants to give me 200 to get clothes for me and hayden. he gets a bed and decides what kind of bed we get it doesnt matter what i want. we go to walmart to get bedding for the bed and he decides what we are getting which is ugly by the way. Im so over his crap its not even funny. He makes fun of me going to church. it seems like he swears more because it bothers me. hes constantly putting me down for my weight and tells me that the only way i can get new clothes for myself is if i throw everything i currently have away. wait a minute i paid taxes too this year thats my money too if i didnt give birth to hayden we wouldnt have gotten 2000 of that tax return. why does he get to decided on everything? i told him last night that a couple friends and i wanted to go out for a little bit and my friends husband said he could come over there and he would help him with hayden what does he say to me? you want me to watch hayden after working all day? are you freakin kidding me? he is your son too when do i get a break my job is never done. i love my son dearly but sometimes i need a little bit to myself. how could i marry someone so stinkin selfish. i am so frustrated. he is not the same person i married. hes grumpy hes a dictator and hes a control freak and i dont know how much more i can take.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

my husband is driving me crazy

So he still hasnt found work. The economy sucks ugh. However hes only looking for overnight positions. I have told him over and over again that i dont feel safe when im home alone just me and the baby. But he doesnt care. Hes not even attempting to find a job during the day. I understand hes frustrated but Im frustrated too. Its like he tries to find the best way to not spend time with me and Hayden. Like right now he comes in my room at 7 this morning and says hes doing something to my car for me adn dont come outside till hes done. Well its now 10 and hes still not done. Then i ask him is he really doing something for me or is he just working on the car in general and saying its for me. Of course no answer. Why does he insist on driving me crazy? Everyday hes out doing something to the cars or whatever. Its like hes avoiding me. He could get a job with the border patrol a friend of ours brother is high up in the border patrol and said he would make sure he got hired provided he passes the background check and what not but donny says its too much like the military. Oh my gosh seriously? Come on you sign on at 40,000 for the first year with benefits and everything. His excuse now is the application process takes too long. Well if he applied with the border patrol i would be ok with him having something overnight temporarily till he got hired with the border patrol. But its more important for him to not be owned by the government than to support his family. Im so tired of this crap. What am i supposed to do?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

so my husband lost his job

Donny missed last weekend because we had to bring Hayden to the ER cause he was spitting up and had diarhea. Well he had his days off and htey let him work all week. And they even let him work all night monday night. Around 5am they bring him in the office and said he had 5 absences so he was fired. When we went in later that day to prove them wrong and ask for his job back they found out it was only 2 absences so the manager made up some stupid new rule and fired him anyways. I am soooooo mad. Hes applied for everything he can think of and we are hoping he will get something soon. So i have now decided we are no longer shopping at walmart. Not that the loss of our business will do anything but I just dont want to go in there anymore so once he has gotten his last check thats it. And that is my news for the day.